A digital prescription service

A novel prescription management application that provides an end-to-end solution for medical practitioners, pharmacists and patients to manage the prescription fulfillment process, capable of coping with having several thousand / hundreds of thousands of users at the same time.

The preparation of medical prescriptions by medical practitioners and dispensing of prescription drugs by pharmacists is a largely manual process. The existing process has various flaws that can unnecessarily burden the various stakeholders (ie. physicians, pharmacists, patients, insurers and government bodies).

MediPick was commissioned as a functional proof-of-concept application to demonstrate a solution to the above, providing an end-to-end solution for the management of medical prescriptions. Engineered to accommodate future production-level, highly-available use cases. Explore the process below…

1. The Prescriber

Digital Prescriptions Directly From Your GP


  1. Improves efficiency and accuracy of prescriptions.
  2. Prevents ‘doctor shopping’ by individuals seeking to stockpile prescription medications.
  3. In-built fingerprint authentication & digital signing capabilities for medical practitioners.

2. The Patient

An Easier Way to Manage Prescriptions


  1. Prevents the loss of prescriptions by staff and patients, requiring individuals to attend unnecessary follow up consultations with their medical professionals.
  2. A notification system for patients to track dosage directions and prescription refills.
  3. Electronic payment capabilities, allowing users to pay for scripts, with funds being transferred to pharmacies securely and in real-time.
  4. Online directional information to users, facilitating the selection of pharmacies based on price, distance and inventory availability.

3. The Pharmacy

The Safer and Easier to Use Prescription Service


  1. Prevents incorrect fulfillment by pharmacists or incorrect interpretation of the directions by patients due to poor legibility.
  2. Dispensaries with the ability to receive prescription orders for fulfillment in real time.
  3. Electronic signing functionalities for prescription approval ahead of collection.

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